


Method Documentation?

Added by Sloan Thrasher almost 5 years ago

Hi all,

Is there documentation for each of the methods in Fpdf-multicell?

I'm looking for something that details each argument for each method, including the type, and for arguments accept a value from a list, something showing the possible values.

Yes, I've looked through the examples and tutorials. There are many instances where there are arguments that are not mentioned or explained.

Thanks for any help you might offer!


Replies (5)

RE: Method Documentation? - Added by Andrei Bintintan almost 5 years ago

Short answer is unfortunately not. I did start reworking the documentation part cause it's not one of the best but it's not so far that I can show it to you.

For the multicell you'll be using 2 functions:

h3. setStyle

* Sets the font parameters for the specified tag
* @param string $tagName tag name
* @param string $fontFamily font family
* @param string $fontStyle font style
* @param float $fontSize font size
* @param mixed(string|array) $color font color
public function setStyle($tagName, $fontFamily, $fontStyle, $fontSize, $color)


$multicell->setStyle("style", 'helvetica', "BI", 10, "0,0,220");
$multicell->setStyle("size", 'helvetica', "BI", 12, "0,0,120");
$multicell->setStyle("color", 'helvetica', "BI", 12, "0,255,255");


h3. multiCell

The parameters are the same as, with the paddings added at the end:

public function multiCell(
    $border = 0,
    $align = 'J',
    $fill = 0,
    $paddingLeft = 0,
    $paddingTop = 0,
    $paddingRight = 0,
    $paddingBottom = 0
) {


$multicell->multiCell(0, 5, "Fpdf Advanced Multicell", 1, "J", 1, 3, 3, 3, 3);

I hope this helps you a bit.

RE: Method Documentation? - Added by Sloan Thrasher almost 5 years ago


Thanks for the info, it should help out quite a bit. Do you know what attribute can be added to the tags?


RE: Method Documentation? - Added by Andrei Bintintan almost 5 years ago

The tags are simple place-holders, be warned, it's not a HTML input.

Size and ypos are 2 attributes that are supported.


RE: Method Documentation? - Added by Sloan Thrasher almost 5 years ago


What is size? # pixels wide?

RE: Method Documentation? - Added by Andrei Bintintan almost 5 years ago

Sloan Thrasher wrote:


What is size? # pixels wide?

That should be in the Pdf Page Units(how the pdf page was initialized)
