


tFPDF Table - Example 2 - Overview


Result pdf: ~



 * Pdf Advanced Table - Example
 * Copyright (c), Interpid,

require_once __DIR__ . "/../autoload.php";

use Interpid\PdfLib\Table;
use Interpid\PdfExamples\PdfFactory;
use Interpid\PdfExamples\PdfSettings;

$factory = new PdfFactory();

//get the PDF object
$pdf = PdfFactory::newPdf('table');

//define some background colors
$bgColor1 = [234, 255, 218];
$bgColor2 = [165, 250, 220];
$bgColor3 = [255, 252, 249];
 * Create the pdf Table object
 * Alternative you can use the Singleton Instance
 * @example : $table = Table::getInstance($pdf);
$table = new Table($pdf);

// Set the styles for the advanced table

$txt1 = $title = file_get_contents(PDF_APPLICATION_PATH . '/content/table-cell-text.txt');

//Initialize the table, 5 columns with the specified widths
$table->initialize([35, 30, 40, 40, 25], [
    'TABLE' => ['TABLE_LEFT_MARGIN' => 0]

$header = [
    ['TEXT' => 'Header 1'],
    ['TEXT' => 'Header 2'],
    ['TEXT' => 'Header 3'],
    ['TEXT' => 'Header 4'],
    ['TEXT' => 'Header 5']

//add the header line

//do some adjustments in the header
$header[2]['TEXT'] = 'Header Colspan/Rowspan';
$header[2]['COLSPAN'] = 2;
$header[2]['ROWSPAN'] = 2;
$header[2]['TEXT_COLOR'] = [10, 20, 100];
$header[2]['BACKGROUND_COLOR'] = $bgColor2;


//add an empty header line

$fsize = 5;
$colspan = 2;
$rowspan = 2;

$rgb_r = 255;
$rgb_g = 255;
$rgb_b = 255;

for ($j = 0; $j < 45; $j++) {
    $row = [];
    $row[0]['TEXT'] = "Row No - $j";
    $row[0]['TEXT_SIZE'] = $fsize;
    $row[1]['TEXT'] = "Test Text Column 1- $j";
    $row[1]['TEXT_SIZE'] = 13 - $fsize;
    $row[2]['TEXT'] = "Test Text Column 2- $j";
    $row[3]['TEXT'] = "Longer text, this will split sometimes...";
    $row[3]['TEXT_SIZE'] = 15 - $fsize;
    $row[4]['TEXT'] = "Short 4- $j";
    $row[4]['TEXT_SIZE'] = 7;

    if ($j == 0) {
        $row[1]['TEXT'] = $txt1;
        $row[1]['COLSPAN'] = 4;
        $row[1]['ALIGN'] = 'C';
        $row[1]['LINE_SIZE'] = 5;
    } elseif ($j == 1) {
        $row[0]['TEXT'] = "Top Right Align <p>Align Top</p> Right Right Align";
        $row[0]['ALIGN'] = 'RT';

        $row[1]['TEXT'] = "Middle Center Align Bold Italic";
        $row[1]['TEXT_TYPE'] = 'BI';
        $row[1]['ALIGN'] = 'MC';

        $row[2]['TEXT'] = "\n\n\n\n\nBottom Left Align";
        $row[2]['ALIGN'] = 'BL';

        $row[3]['TEXT'] = "Middle Justified Align Longer text";
        $row[3]['ALIGN'] = 'MJ';

        $row[4]['TEXT'] = "TOP RIGHT Align with top padding(5)";
        $row[4]['ALIGN'] = 'TR';
        $row[4]['PADDING_TOP'] = 5;

    if ($j == 2) {
        $row[1]['TEXT'] = "Cells can be images -->>>";
        $row[2] = array(
            'TYPE' => 'IMAGE',
            'FILE' => PDF_RESOURCES_IMAGES . '/dice.jpg',
            'WIDTH' => 15

    if ($j > 0) {
        $row[0]['BACKGROUND_COLOR'] = [255 - $rgb_b, $rgb_g, $rgb_r];
        $row[1]['BACKGROUND_COLOR'] = [$rgb_r, $rgb_g, $rgb_b];

    if ($j > 3 and $j < 7) {
        $row[1]['TEXT'] = "Colspan Example - Center Align";
        $row[1]['COLSPAN'] = $colspan;
        $row[1]['BACKGROUND_COLOR'] = [$rgb_b, 50, 50];
        $row[1]['TEXT_COLOR'] = [255, 255, $rgb_g];
        $row[1]['TEXT_ALIGN'] = 'C';
        if ($colspan > 4) {
            $colspan = 2;

    if ($j == 7) {
        $row[3]['TEXT'] = "Rowspan Example";
        $row[3]['BACKGROUND_COLOR'] = [$rgb_b, $rgb_b, 250];
        $row[3]['ROWSPAN'] = 4;

    if ($j == 8) {
        $row[1]['TEXT'] = "Rowspan Example";
        $row[1]['BACKGROUND_COLOR'] = [$rgb_b, 50, 50];
        $row[1]['ROWSPAN'] = 6;

    if ($j == 9) {
        $row[2]['TEXT'] = "Rowspan Example";
        $row[2]['BACKGROUND_COLOR'] = [$rgb_r, $rgb_r, $rgb_r];
        $row[2]['ROWSPAN'] = 3;

    if ($j == 12) {
        $row[2]['TEXT'] = "Rowspan and Colspan Example\n\nCenter/Middle Allignment";
        $row[2]['TEXT_ALIGN'] = 'C';
        $row[2]['VERTICAL_ALIGN'] = 'M';
        $row[2]['BACKGROUND_COLOR'] = [234, 255, 218];
        $row[2]['ROWSPAN'] = 5;
        $row[2]['COLSPAN'] = 2;

    if ($j == 17) {
        $row[0]['TEXT'] = $txt1;
        $row[0]['TEXT_ALIGN'] = 'C';
        $row[0]['VERTICAL_ALIGN'] = 'M';
        $row[0]['BACKGROUND_COLOR'] = [234, 255, 218];
        $row[0]['ROWSPAN'] = 5;
        $row[0]['COLSPAN'] = 4;

    $fsize += 0.5;

    if ($fsize > 10) {
        $fsize = 5;

    $rgb_b -= 10;
    $rgb_g -= 5;
    $rgb_b -= 20;

    if ($rgb_b < 150) {
        $rgb_b = 255;
    if ($rgb_g < 150) {
        $rgb_g = 255;
    if ($rgb_b < 150) {
        $rgb_b = 255;


//close the table

//send the pdf to the browser