


change auto page break for pages after page 1

Added by Adriaan Nel over 2 years ago


My first page contains a nice header, then the table starts. From page 2 & later the nice header isn't shown, only a basic one, so I have more space to present tabular data.

Can the AutoPageBreak value be changed dynamically? How do I accomplish this. Currently the table remains the same height on all pages, with just more white space at the bottom from page 2 and on.

Thank you

Replies (3)

RE: change auto page break for pages after page 1 - Added by Andrei Bintintan over 2 years ago

I assume you have a bigger header on the page where the table starts and a smaller one on the next pages.

The table "fills" in the page on the current page (page where it starts) and for the next pages it checks the page margins in order to determine the available space.
So, before using the table make sure that your page margins are "correct" for the next pages, then it should work well.

RE: change auto page break for pages after page 1 - Added by Adriaan Nel over 2 years ago

Thank you so much! I was not aware that setMargins only affects pages 2 & later...
